Friday 11 November 2011


Think First Class rail sleeper rather than motorhome and you may imagine something closer to the end result.
The truck really decided the design. Although the 'crew cab' seems a negative at first, it does provide lots of storage space.

Most importantly, it had to be possible to sleep across the vehicle. This was the first measurement I made and it checked out... just. Bunks, with the top bunk folding up away, seemed the most space efficient and useful way of sleeping.
Second importantly, the beds must be comfortable. You can put up with many things after a good nights rest but lose sleep night after night and the smallest problem can become a big issue. Beds don't need to be large but they must be comfortable. Ridges or hollows where cushions meet or hard buttons can be sure to cause an uncomfortable nights tossing and turning.

Trying to explain an idea in your head to someone else isn't easy to get right. A solid model, to scale, is a great way to make sure all bits work together and 'she who must be obeyed' has the same concept in her head.

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